Saturday, March 29, 2014

It Could be Better

As an 11-13 year old, i was miserable. My baby fat lingered (more like loitered) hard core, my facial complexion seemed to be 1000x worse than everyone else's, and i wasn't GOOD at anything. Ya, i basically found nothing about me to be appealing/interesting/awesome.

What a life.

I was the epitome of a Negative Nancy. I polluted the air around me with disgust and i reaked of loathing. My mom drove me nuts, my friends were never good enough friends to me, and i thought i was just a waste of space in the universe. Heck, probably was at that time. 

Something i would always tell myself was "well, it could be worse...."

This always makes me think of this moment in The Princess Diaries:

That phrase was one of the only things keeping me from launching an all out rage-fest on who i was. 

With time, i have grown to despise that phrase. 

It could be worse

It COULD be worse.

It could be WORSE. 


Like, thanks for those glistening words.... Lemme just go file them away between misery and eternal hopelessness......

My goodness!!!

I then started playing volleyball and found i kind of had a knack for the sport. 

Ok, so I'm good at something... check.

High school came around and we had to dress nicely (like skirt or dress) for away volleyball games. I still remember walking to Mr Abbott's Earth Science class when some random kid told me i looked very pretty.

Ok, so I'm not completely ugly.....check.

Do you see the patterns though??
1. I kept looking for all this outsider information to tell me about ME! So stupid. 
And 2. my sights were focused on how worse it could be, rather than how i could make my situations better. 

It was my sophomore year when i then began ending every journal entry of mine with "it could be better!"

Sound depressing?


This reminded me that my life could be so much better if i would just change my perspective and/or attitude on certain things. It also reminded me to do things that MAKE "it" better. 

I could be better. You could be better. Life could be better. Maybe we just need to try letting it be better. Give people the benefit of the doubt, love yourself, accept that bad things are gonna happen but you don't have to give them the power to dictate who you are. 

Life could be better~especially if you make it that way. 


That is all. 

Butterflies and caramel to everyone.


PS pave yourself a smooth road, cruise low and slow, and enjoy this

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